Final Graduation Requirements

In order to be considered for graduation, a student must complete an Application for Degree form during your final year.  These forms are automatically sent to most students in their senior year but are also available in the Office of Student Records.  Although every effort is made to include all potential degree recipients on graduation lists, failure to file an application for degree with the Office of Student Records may result in no degree being awarded.

To graduate, you must have all the required courses of the civil and environmental engineering program on your transcript and also must have the required number of total credits.  It is possible to have all course requirements fulfilled for the program but not have enough credits to graduate.  This can happen when students transfer courses from other schools or have substituted a course for a required course.

Normally, all courses taken in the senior year must be taken on the Orono campus.  Special permission must be received to take a course elsewhere.  Avoid this situation if at all possible!

Seniors in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Program are obligated to adhere to the following procedure:


(a) Check to see that an up-to-date copy of your university transcript is in your student file in 105 Boardman Hall.  If not, have the Office of Student Records send over a copy.

(b) If applicable, check to see that your transcript shows which courses have been allowed for transfer from other institutions.  If not, you should check with the Associate Dean of the College of Engineering to ensure proper credit is obtained for transfer courses.