Bill Davids, Ph.D, P.E.
Chair of Civil and Environmental Department, Russell S. Bodwell Professor , Distinguished Maine Professor (2015)
105A Boardman Hall
University of Maine
Orono, Maine 04469-5711
Phone: 207.581.2116 & 207.581.2170
Fax: 207.581.3888
Ph.D. – Civil/Structural Engineering
University of Washington, 1998.
M.S. – Civil/Structural Engineering
University of Maine, 1991.
B.S. – Civil Engineering
University of Maine, 1989.
CIE 440 Structural Analysis I
CIE 548 Bridge Engineering
CIE 549 Numerical Methods in Engineering
CIE 640 Advanced Structural Analysis
Research Interests:
Bill’s primary research interests are in the areas of bridge engineering, applications of FRP composites in civil infrastructure, inflatable structures, wood mechanics and engineered wood composites, and the analysis of concrete and asphalt pavements. His research projects often encompass both experimental work and the development of problem-specific numerical analysis techniques. He has significant expertise in computational structural mechanics and numerical methods, which he has applied to areas ranging from the structural analysis of inflatable fabric beams and arches to the development of software for the finite-element analysis of concrete and asphalt pavements. Bill has authored or co-authored 60+ journal papers and is co-inventor on three patents, one of which describes the GBeam FRP bridge girder. The GBeam has been licensed by AIT Bridges and deployed in roadway bridges across three different states since 2020. He also led the development of the AASHTO Guide Specification for Design of Concrete-Filled FRP Tubes for Flexural and Axial Members, which was published in 2012. Further, Bill is the primary developer of EverFE, a software package for the linear and nonlinear 3D finite element analysis of jointed plain concrete pavements that couples a highly interactive graphical user interface and object-oriented C++ finite element code. Bill has also co-developed the program EverStressFE, a 3D finite-element analysis program for flexible pavements that incorporates a variety of advanced analysis and unique visualization capabilities. Bill is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Maine, and gained four years of professional experience as a structural bridge engineer with Sverdrup Corporation (now Jacobs Engineering) in their Seattle office.”
For more information including publications, please reference his google scholar.