Chi Epsilon Homepage

Chi Epsilon was founded in the Spring of 1922 at the University of Illinois when two groups of civil engineering students, independent of each other, tried to get faculty permission to establish an honorary civil engineering fraternity. The two groups were Chi Epsilon and Chi Delta Chi. When the two groups became aware of each other, they merged and on May 20, 1922, these 25 members were granted a charter. They became the founding scholars of the Chi Epsilon Fraternity.

To expand their honor society beyond the realms of the University of Illinois, letters were sent to all of the presidents of the larger engineering schools inviting them to become part of Chi Epsilon. On February 13, 1923, a certificate of incorporation was issued by the State of Illinois granting the fraternity the right to become national. On March 29, 1923, the second chapter of Chi Epsilon was installed at the Armour Institute of Technology. Currently, Chi Epsilon has over 120 chapters and over 78,000 initiated members.



  • Chi Epsilon is the only National Civil Engineering Honor Society.
  • The motto of Chi Epsilon is the Greek Letters – Chi Delta Chi. This is interpreted in English as: Conception, Design & Construction.  These are the three phases of every creative project. Conception is invention. Construction is building. Design requires education and practical experience.

Personal Qualities for Membership

  • Scholarship – Success in academic work (Seniors in the top third of their class and juniors who are in the top quarter of their class and also have a GPA of 3.0 or better qualify.)
  • Character – Integrity of nature which inspires respect and confidence
  • Practicality – Ability to apply basic principles of scientific knowledge to problems continually confronted by the practicing Civil Engineer
  • Sociability – Personal success and happiness brought about by the desire and ability to join with others, to share and to contribute


  • President – Jacob Steeves
  • Vice President – Megan Twombly
  • Secretary – Jacob Carroll
  • Marshall – Jessica Kenney
  • Editor – Noah Thackeray
  • Faculty Advisor / Treasurer- Xenia Rofes

Other Chi Epsilon Chapters

The University of Maine Chi Epsilon Chapter

  • 93rd National Chapter – Installed 1980

Annual Events

  • Providing a senior breakfast on Graduation Day
  • Working on service projects with the ASCE Student Chapter
  • Working with Satellite Education in Maine schools to promote engineering

Community Events