Qingping Zou Personal Page
Refereed Journal Publications
- Zou, Q.-P., Chen, Y., Cluckie, I., Hewston, R., Pan, S., Peng, Z. and Reeve, D., 2012:
prediction of coastal flood risk arising from overtopping and scour by linking meteorological, ocean,
coastal and surf zone models”, Invited paper, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Revised. - Monk, K.U., Q.-P. Zou, and D. C. Conley 2012:
“An analytical solution for the scattered wave field at
an array of wave energy converters”, Coastal Engineering, in revision. - Vandamme, J. & Q.-P. Zou 2012:
“Investigation of Levee Instability Caused by Seepage and Erosion Using a Particle Method,” Computer & Geotechnics, Revised.
(PDF file) - Zhang, Y.L., Q.-P. Zou and D. Greaves, D. Reeve, A. Hunt-Raby, and D. Graham, 2012:
“The Hydrodynamic response of an oscillating water column device under regular and extreme wave conditions”, International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, in revision. - Jones, D. K., Q.-P. Zou, D. E. Reeve 2012:
“Computational modelling of coastal flooding caused by combined surge overflow and wave overtopping on embankments”, Journal of Flood Management, in press. - Zhang, Y.L., Q.-P. Zou, & D. Greaves 2012:
“An investigation of hydrodynamic characteristics of an oscillating water column device using a two-phase flow model”, Renewable Energy, Vol 41, May 2012, Pages 159–170 (10.1016/j.renene.2011.10.011). - Lv, X., Q.-P. Zou, Y. Zhao & D. E. Reeve 2012:
“A Preconditioned Implicit Free-Surface Capture Scheme for Large Density Ratio on Tetrahedral Grids”, communications in Computational Physics, Vol 11, No 1, Pages 215-248. - Vandamme, J., Q.-P. Zou, & E. Ellis, 2012:
“A novel particle method for episodic collapse of coastal cliffs”, Geomorphology, Vol 138, Issue 1, Pages 295–305. - Lv, X., Q.-P. Zou, & D. E. Reeve 2011:
“Numerical Simulation of Overflow at Vertical Weirs Using an Accurate Hybrid Free Surface Flow Model”, Advances in Water Resources, Vol 11, No 1, Pages 215-248. - Zou, Q.-P. 2011:
“Generation, transformation and scattering of long waves induced by a short-wave group over finite topography”, Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol 41, Issue 10, 1842–1859. - Gonzalez-Santamaria, R., Q.-P. Zou, and S. Pan 2011:
“A two way coupled wave and tide modelling for a wave farm in the South West of England”, Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64, 1038 -1042, (ISSN 0749-0208). - Peng, Z. & Q.-P. Zou, 2011:
“Spatial distribution of wave overtopping water behind coastal structures”, Coastal Engineering, Vol 58, Issue 6, Pages 489-498 (doi: 10.1016/j.coastaleng. 2011.01.010) . - Zou, Q.-P., & Z. Peng, 2011:
“Evolution of wave shape over a Low-crested Structure”, Coastal Engineering, Vol 58, Issue 6, Pages 478-488, (doi: 10.1016/j.coastaleng. 2011.01.00). - Vandamme, J., Q.-P. Zou, D. E. Reeve, 2011:
“Modelling floating object entry and exit using Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics, ASCE”, J Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Vol 137, Issue 5, pages 213-268, (doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000086). - Bakhtyar, R., Razmi, A.M., Barry, D.A., Yeganeh-Bakhtiary, A. & Q.-P. Zou, 2010:
“Air-water two-phase flow modeling of turbulent surf and swash zone wave motions”, Advances in Water Resources, Vol 33, Issue 12, Pages 1560-1574 (doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2010.09.007). - Dance, S. & Zou Q.-P. 2010:
“Ensembles, uncertainty and flood prediction”, Hydrology & Earth Systems Science Discussions (HESS), 7, 3591-3611, (doi:10.5194/hessd-7-3591-2010). - Zhang, Y.L., Q.-P. Zou and D. Greaves, D. Reeve, A. Hunt-Raby, D. Graham, P. James and X. Lv 2010:
“A level set immersed boundary method for water entry and exit.”, Communications in Computational Physics, Vol 8, No. 2, pages 265-288, (doi: 10.4208/cicp.060709.060110a). - Lv, X., Q.-P. Zou, Y. Zhao & D. E. Reeve 2010:
“A Novel Coupled Level Set and Volume of Fluid Method for Sharp Interface Capturing on 3D Tetrahedral Grids”, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol 229, Issue 7, Pages 2573-2604, (doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2009.12.005). - Pedrozo-Acuna, A., A. Torres-Freyermuth, Q.-P. Zou, T.-J. Hsu, D. E. Reeve 2010:
“Diagnostic investigation of impulsive pressures induced by plunging breakers impinging on gravel beaches”, Coastal Engineering, Vol 57, Issue 3, Pages 252-266, (doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2009.09.010) - Zhang, Y.L., Q.-P. Zou, & D. Greaves 2010:
“Numerical Simulation of two phase flow using the level set method with global mass correction”, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Fluids, Vol 63, issue 6, pages 651-680 (DOI: 10.1002/fld.2090). - Lv, X., Q.-P. Zou, D. E. Reeve 2009:
“An unstructured 3D LES solver for free surface flow and breaking waves”, International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 4, pages 308–316. (Journal Impact Factor 0.46) - Greaves, D. M., G. Smith, M. Attrill, M. Belmont, A.Chadwick, D. Conley, A. Eccleston, B. Godley, N. Harrington, C.L. Hor, P. Hosegood, L. Johanning, D. Millar, S.-Q. Pan, D. Reeve, J. Williams, J.Wolfram, J.-J. Xu, A. Zobaa, Q.-P. Zou, 2009:
“Development of Marine Renewable Energy in the South West of England”, ICE Maritime Engineering, Volume 162, Issue 4, pages 187 –196, (doi:10.1680/maen.2009.162.4.187) - Peng, Z., Q.-P. Zou, D. E. Reeve and B. Wang 2009:
“Parameterisation and Transformation of Wave Asymmetries over a Low Crested Breakwater”, Coastal Engineering, Vol 56, Issues 11-12, Pages 1123-1132, (doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2009.08.005). - Wang, Z.Y., Q.-P. Zou, & D. E. Reeve 2009:
“Simulation of spilling breaking waves using a two phase flow CFD model”, Computers & Fluids, Vol 38, Issue 10,1995-2005, (DOI:10.1016/j.compfluid.2009.06.006). - Zou, Q.-P., Y.-J. He, W. Perrie & P.W. Vachon 2007:
“Wind vector estimation for RADARSAT-1 SAR images”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol 4, No. 1, 176-180. - Zou, Q.-P., A. J. Bowen & A. E. Hay 2006:
“The vertical distribution of wave shear stress in variable water depth: theory and field observations”, Journal of Geophysical Resarch, Vol 111, C09032, (doi:10.1029/2005JC003300, 2006). - He, Y.-J., W. Perrie, Q.-P. Zou & P.W. Vachon 2005:
“A new wind vector algorithm for C-band SAR”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol 43, No. 7, 1453-1458. - He, Y.-J., W. Perrie, T. Xie & Q.-P. Zou 2004:
“Ocean wave spectra from a linear polarimetric SAR”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol 42, No. 11, 2623-2631. - Zou, Q.-P. 2004:
“A simple model for random wave bottom friction and dissipation”, J. Phys. Oceanogr., Vol 34, No. 6, 1459-1467. (DOI: 10.1175/1520-0485(2004)034) - Perrie W., B. Toulany, Y.-C. Hu, R. Padilla-Hernadez, P. Smith, Q.-P. Zou, W.-Q. Zhang and X.-J. Ren 2004:
“Waves in Hurricane Juan”, Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Bulletin, Vol. 32, No. 2, 45-48. - Zou, Q.-P., A. E. Hay & A. J. Bowen 2003:
“The vertical structure of surface gravity waves propagating over a sloping sea bed: theory and field measurements”, Journal of Geophysical Resarch, 108 (C8), Art. No. 3265. (doi:10.1029/2002JC001432). - Zou, Q.-P. & A. E. Hay 2003:
“The vertical structure of the wave bottom boundary layer over a sloping bed: theory and field measurements”, J. Phys. Oceanogr, Vol. 33, No. 7, 1380-1400. (DOI: 10.1175/1520-0485(2003)033) - Zou, Q.-P. 2002:
“An analytical model of wave bottom boundary layers incorporating turbulent relaxation and diffusion effects”, J. Phys. Oceanogr, Vol. 32, No. 9, pp. 2441–2456. (DOI: 10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032) - Zou, Q.-P. 1998:
“A viscoelastic model for turbulent flow over an undulating topography”, Journal of Fluid Mech., Vol 355, 81-112. - Miles, J. W. & Zou, Q.-P. 1993:
“Parametric excitation of a detuned spherical pendulum”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol 164, 237-250. - Miles, J. W. & Zou, Q.-P. 1993:
“Gravity-wave reflection at a discontinuity in bottom slope”, J. Phys. Oceanogr, Vol 23, 1870-1871. (DOI: 10.1175/1520-0485(1993)023)
- Zou, Q.-P., Chen, Y., Cluckie, I., Hewston, R., Pan, S., Peng, Z. and Reeve, D., 2012: