ASCE Membership

Dear First Year Civil Engineering Student,

We are the UMaine Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers and we would like to invite you to join us for the 2012-2013 school year!  We offer many opportunities for students in Civil Engineering and it is a great way to get involved.

Who are we?

Students, just like you, using our resources to network with future employers, learn more about our future careers, and above all make friends with our classmates!

When do we meet?

Wednesdays at noon in 309 Boardman Hall (free pizza provided).  Experienced Civil Engineers come to talk with us about their REAL experiences in the field, what suggestions they have for us as students, and what they’re looking for in US as potential employees.

What have we done in the past?

Aside from the Wednesday meetings we schedule CIE 1000 on Friday afternoons to socialize with classmates, get to know your professors, and to get off campus for a bit and relax.  We’ve also hosted and participated in many events around campus, including renovating a statue, spring cleaning of Boardman Hall, food drives, and car washes.  This past year we also rebuilt the roof of a cabin at Leonard’s Mills, a historical site in Bradley, as well as doing design projects with students from local middle schools.  We also are the sponsor organization for the Concrete Canoe and Steel Bridge teams!

What’s coming up this year?

Along with our regularly scheduled events we’re planning a hiking trip to Mt. Katahdin for members, several student outreach and service events, as well as our KICK OFF BBQ on the mall scheduled in September! Be sure to check the Civil Engineering folder on First Class.

How can you participate in all this?

It’s easy!  To become a member of ASCE, just fill out the form on the back of this letter and send it back to us.  Dues are $15.00 for the year. Please make checks payable to American Society of Civil Engineers.  The money is used to pay for the pizza which we supply at the weekly meetings. If you have any questions please e-mail Katrina Martin on FirstClass.

We hope that you will join ASCE!


Katrina Martin and Chelsea Guptill

ASCE President & Vice President